
Just In From Left Field, Out Of The Blue!


I enjoy speculation in the abstract.
In an attempt to second-guess the unknown.
To break down the principles of convention, and reconstruct a newly devised apprehension.


   Conventional idea(s) of space-craft: That they are made of sturdy materials, such as metals or plastics; that they take the form of a rocket fuselage; that they are propelled by a fusion reactor or nuclear powered, etc.; that they contain within their limited, artificially constructed housing enoughspace for an X-number of passengers; etc. 
A Non-Conventional idea for a space craft
   Said interstellar craft might be powered by a nuclear/fusion source as large as our sun. This engine may be of such extreme power that it is not even attached physically to the spacecraft itself: instead, the craft is placed in orbit about the engine. The craft may not only be large enough to house an X-factor of Crew + Generations Of Offspring, but it might, by due course, have sufficient land mass for photosynthesis to become possible so that the crew's food supply can be provided via agriculture and livestock. The craft's route through interstellar space could also conceivably follow a complex course. As the "bridge" of this immense space ship is in constant orbit about it's nuclear fusion power source, the "direction" through space that it takes would describe a fractaling arc; as the bridge itself achieved orbital spin in its revolution about it's engine, the direction of the entire craft (engine and all) is desc ribed by a greater arc which is the movement and course of this sun-engine itself. 
   From this it can easily be inferred that this model for a "Spaceship Earth" could in fact be a literal reality, and humanity itself could be none other than the descendants of the original "crew". The irony here wouldbe the simple yet profound fact that the knowledge that this planet was nothing other than a "bridge" to a vast starship set on an epic course through the cosmos has been entirely lost on its crew; an unforeseen symptom of no other fact than that the original calculations as to the length of the journey may have been overwhelmingly shy of the actual mark. 
   i.e., we may still be traveling to this date, completely oblivious to the fact we are a greatly increased crew possibly not even "lost" in space, but merely not quite having reached our destination yet. 
   The point I am striving to illustrate is certainly not to convince anyone that this scenario is in fact the case with us; rather, it is but one example of myriad that illustrate a possibility of a model for reality that many of us may not have even considered. And the point of that is to lay the groundwork for a fascinating insight: Just what if the nature of reality (what is going on) just happens to be something entirely along these unconventional lines? For it seems to me that the chances of that are quite high. For I feel that most, if not all, of what we have discerned as being reality, or the laws of nature, is a certain degree shy of the actual mark, perhaps a great degree. One must remember that there is that platform that lies within our perceptive field as well as that platform that encompasses our perceptive field + everything else. Reality is not necessarily limited to our percept-fields. Hence I question our perceptions, but don't necessarily throw them all out. However, I feel that an enormous amount of our perception(s) are way off mark. And it may have something to do with the fact that often, we forget that our perceptions are limited. The old "I'll believe it when I see it w/my own eyes" adage seems to me to become effectively a kind of self-imposed curse that fates one to be excluded from ever acquiring real knowledge. 
   What the hell am I babbling about. 
   Merely this: a reminder that we must all, from time to time, rub the grit out of our eyes and reopen them wide again, and reconsider what it is that we see before us. 
   And that through imagination as our compass may we stand a chance at getting to the real truth.


The Desolate Set

   The long awaited savior arrives in disguise at the microscopic level, a safety feature of its programming installed long ago and now prepared to continue its execution. With a clarity of vision restored for all to see, during the next stages we get to find out who remembers the face that we have all glimpsed in the mirror together. 

   When you round up from this current cast of characters, there are more individuals coming down the line. Those are the beings who will be looking into their set of stars for us, their eyes searching the skies in fascination. Their heartbeats will quicken as they imagine what the extraterrestrials must be like, without having any idea they were ourselves, of course. 

   And no matter how like us they might actually be, their own sense of wonder will likely render us far more fantastical than we really are. That is because of the great secret hidden out in the wide open yonder. They will be (more or less) just like us.   


Polaris of the Autarch




     May as well name the stars 
   and deep regions of space 
  after mythical beasts and
also believe we'll trade spice 
imported from the cardinal 
 wide dry desert of Arrakis 
   at least just to be honest 
  there's nothing made up 
 that isn't a crude portrayal 
of what is really going on 
 so long it wears scarves 
  of embodiment regarding
   a look in a mirror galvanized.
    Shocked moment of revelation 
   the thing now staring back at you  
  to recognize your eternal solitude
 sees the one thing  now examining it 
cannot ordinarily reflect thunderstruck
 bolt of lightning stitch every alien night
  nested together in a string of pearls
   flashed across the winds of time 
    blasts the sands off the crest 
   of this old diminishing dune
    relaxing in a sigh just fine.


Limits of Vision

This restriction of perceiving ourselves as bipedal
beings with a split brain and only two hands 
hominids loping along to score our next medal
thinking we're winning and conquering lands 

What are we overthrowing if not our own sense
of real objectivity and knowing the difference
between seeing and believing that anything's real
like the pores in our skin or the craters of the moon

How may we secure our newfound perspective
If we don't keep in mind that later or soon 
enough our misguided sense of directive 
could use further adjustment to better attune

Ourselves to the notion we're part of a picture
much greater than anything we might imagine 
if we just let go of our own patented scripture
the authenticity remaining we could examine 

How strange to think that whatever is evident
May require faith to believe in due to its size
That our individual selves here as a resident 
Remain a fraction of a colony of cells in our eyes